Construction Continues for Oregon Fire Station
Construction continues for the City of Oregon’s Fire Station 41. The 20,000 sf station will replace the existing Station 41 and will provide the Department with 5 drive-thru apparatus bays with ancillary spaces and living quarters for up to 11 personnel per shift including two dedicated EMS personnel for the County. The administration side of […]

Construction Nears Completion for ODNR Shooting Ranges
Construction for new pistol and rifle ranges for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources is nearing completion. The project included the replacement of existing ranges at two sites which were outdated by today’s safety and design standards. Both sites required extensive sitework including environmental remediation as well as storm water management. Once completed, both projects […]

Construction at North Ridgeville Fire Station 2 Nears Completion
Construction at the North Ridgeville Fire Station No. 2 is nearing completion. The renovation project includes several functional, safety and wellness features necessary for a modern fire industry facility including a turnout gear room and decontamination facilities addition off of the Apparatus Bays and updated / renovated living quarters and a new physical training room […]

Construction Underway on New Satellite Fire Station
Construction is underway for Jerome Township’s New Fire Station 211. The station, which totals just over 10,000 sf will accommodate up to 6 firefighters per shift to satisfy the needs of the growing Department. The station also includes a large entry tower and wrap around porch with seating to encourage interaction between the Department and […]

Construction Underway for Washington Township Municipal Complex
Construction is underway on the Washington Township Municipal Complex project. Phase I of the project includes extensive sitework to prepare for the municipal complex that will ultimately include four buildings, roads, parking, fuel point and utilities for the township offices, fire department and road / service department. Construction on the site is expected to be […]
Mull & Weithman Selected for the New City of Columbus Fire Station 36
Mull & Weithman Architects has been selected by the City of Columbus for the construction of it’s new Fire Station 36. The new fire station will improve response times and position the Department for better response to the northeast section of the City.
Construction Underway at North Ridgeville Fire Station 2
Construction is underway for the renovations of North Ridgeville Fire Station No. 2. When completed, the Fire Station will include several functional, safety and wellness features necessary for a modern fire industry facility including a turnout gear room and decontamination facilities off of the Apparatus Bays and updated living quarters and a new physical training […]

M&W Selected for Avon Lake Safety Center Feasibility Study
Mull & Weithman Architects has been selected by the City of Avon Lake to complete a Feasibility Study of the Public Safety Center facility. The study will include an existing facility assessment as well as proposing various renovation, addition and new construction options to meet the needs of the City’s growing Public Safety Departments – […]

Granville Township Fire Station Receives Notable Award for Firehouse Magazine’s 2021 Station Design
Firehouse Station Design Awards awarded Granville Township Fire Station 1 the Notable Award for Career 1 Fire Stations. The station was published in the November 2021 issue of Firehouse Magazine. This is the eighth Firehouse Station Design Award Mull & Weithman Architects has received including awards for Jackson Township 203 Renovation, Jackson Township 204, Delaware […]

Oregon Fire Station 41 Project Underway
Mull & Weithman Architects is working on the Buehrer Group team as the specialty design consultant for the new City of Oregon Fire Station 41. The station, which totals just over 20,000 sf will accommodate up to 11 crew members per shift and will include several administration offices. The design includes 5 apparatus bays with […]